Janelle Maiocco


Welcome to my blog. I live in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle on an Urban Farm (w/ five laying hens and a huge garden). I am a trained chef (w/ a certificate in food preservation), taught at a cooking school & like to share 'kitchen hacks' - culinary tips that save time, money & maximize flavor. If that isn't enough, I also run a food+tech startup called Barn2Door.com - a platform to help everyone easily find & buy food directly from farmers, fishers & ranchers (from CSA's to urban farm eggs to 1/2 a grass-fed cow).

Italian Herb Blend

Italian Herb Blend

dried herbs www.talkoftomatoes.com
dried herbs www.talkoftomatoes.com

In Florence and around Tuscany, you can buy packages of [dried] herb blends at butcher shops, grocers, farmer markets and even souvenir shops. There are 2-3 varieties that consistently show up at the register, on a nearby shelf or in cute little 3 packs to take home for your friends---a little gift from your trip to Italy.

This easy little blend, I use often. I can go to any butcher, and they will have this herb blend containing 4 items:

peperoncino (c'mon you know you want to say it:  /pepper-own-CHEE-no/) aglio /AH-lee-o/ sale /SAH lay/ prezzomolo /prets-oh-MO-lo/

For the rest of us that means: red pepper flakes, garlic, salt and parsley. Here is my idea: buy the four and mix yourself. Then you will always have on hand this classic combination of Italian herbs. I like the idea of drying my own flat-leaf Italian parsley; I would add coarse salt, dried garlic and red pepper flakes. Blend amounts to your own liking.

Oh, on the front it also hints: "Insap. Piccante per Spaghetti." In other words: spicy mix for your spaghetti. Think red sauce or ragu; I tossed some into my shredded-carrot saute and it turned out delicious (no doubt the diced pancetta helped, too). It is nice for pizza, to top focaccia... and for gifts! Make spice packets and share them with friends (add a recipe or two for 'use'); there is nothing better than giving your friends ideas for 'what to make for dinner.'

chicken for wining and dining

chicken for wining and dining

